Rename an Windows Domain Controleur
Need to rename an Active Directory server ?
Who never do stupid error? especially when it’s not your core univers.
So I forgot to rename the server before adding it as an AD Controleur and I get this stupid server name WIN-447M7O4KJDC. What to do ? It’s not over, and if the server is just a Controleur, it’s should be painless.
Remember, I’m not an Windows expert.
First find the name of your server:
Then use the netdom command to confirm the name of the machine:
C:\Users\Administrator>netdom computername WIN-447M7O4KJDC.lan.metabunker /enumerate
All of the names for the computer are:
The command completed successfully.
So now, it’s time to add the new name of the server:
C:\Users\Administrator>netdom computername WIN-447M7O4KJDC.lan.metabunker /add:dc02.lan.metabunker
Successfully add dc02.lan.metabunker
as an alternate name for the computer.
The command completed successfully.
Check if you have the two name:
C:\Users\Administrator>netdom computername WIN-447M7O4KJDC.lan.metabunker /enumerate
All of the names for the computer are:
The command completed successfully.
Time to switch primary name:
C:\Users\Administrator>netdom computername WIN-447M7O4KJDC.lan.metabunker /makeprimary:dc02.lan.metabunker
Successfully made dc02.lan.metabunker
the primary name for the computer. The computer must be rebooted for this name
change to take effect. Until then this computer may not be able to authenticate
users and other computers, and may not be authenticated by other computers
in the forest. The specified new name was removed from the list of alternate
computer names. The primary computer name will be set to the specified new
name after the reboot.
The command completed successfully.
Reboot the server:
shutdown /r /t 0
Check the name of your server:
List all the name of the server:
C:\Users\Administrator>netdom computername dc02.lan.metabunker /enumerate
All of the names for the computer are:
The command completed successfully.
So now it’s time to remove the old name:
C:\Users\Administrator>netdom computername dc02.lan.metabunker /remove WIN-447M7O4KJDC.lan.metabunker
Successfully removed WIN-447M7O4KJDC.lan.metabunker
as an alternate name for the computer.
The command completed successfully.
Tadam, it’s finish, your server now has a new name.